Creates a Hugo formatted document, saves to a local Git repository in Working Copy then commits & pushes it to the remote Git repository.

How to use

This Workflow requires the document in Editorial to have been given a file name, and for the to be installed and it to have ‘Allow URL Actions’ enabled in settings.

The workflow requires some configuration before using - to do this the first three steps (highlighted in purple) should be set as follows:

  • ‘key’ matches the secret URL Callback key from App integration settings in the Working Copy App,

  • ‘repo’ matches the repository name of your Hugo site &

  • ‘categories’ matches your list of desired categories.


You can type a title of Hugo post & description, which default to match the filename, select categories, tags & set a featured image (which will be displayed on the website if your Hugo theme supports it).

How to install

It can be installed in the Editorial app by selecting the top right spanner icon, scrolling down to the bottom of the list, selecting ‘More Workflows’, then click on ‘Editorial Workflow Directory’, then either searching for Hugo, or pasting the below address into the address bar:

Workflow name: Hugo Post, Working Copy


v1.1 Improved handling of source filenames (change spaces to -, ensure all lower case)

v1.0 Initial Release